custom setup

We offer custom set ups not only for customers with made to measure frames, but also with our serial frames. Feel free to discuss your special case and needs extensively with our chief developer!

Sun Ringlé CHARGER Pro 29er  


29er prototyp build-up draws near and this Sun Ringlé CHARGER Pro 29er is the wheelset of chioce. It was quite difficult to get it, as there`s currently no german distributor of Sun Ringlé, but thanks to Clayton and Sean ...

Based on Stan`s Tubeless System, with stiff cross-section of the rim and straightpull hubs it has all the features we want in a wheelset. Also nice are its light weight and the fact that it comes with adapters for all diameter and standards you can think of: VR- 20mm,15mm, 9mm; HR- 142mm X12, 135x12mm, 9mm)

Looking forward to ride them!

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