custom setup

We offer custom set ups not only for customers with made to measure frames, but also with our serial frames. Feel free to discuss your special case and needs extensively with our chief developer!

Luv Handles available now!  


Built of 4130 aircraft steel, with a gentle 4 degree rise and a 21.5 degree back sweep, these bars meet the natural anatomic position of your hands to allow for all day comfort and control. The design allows you to use your current stem and the grip section is long enough to mate with any combination of shifters and brake levers...just slide them on, mark the excess and cut off the material you don't need.
Here are some specs for you
Width - 66cm from the tip of the grip to the opposite point
Rise - 4 degrees
Sweep - 21.5 degree
Weight - 380 grams powdercoated

Black powder : 99,- Euro plus shipping
71cm width or titan versions are available on request.

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