custom setup

We offer custom set ups not only for customers with made to measure frames, but also with our serial frames. Feel free to discuss your special case and needs extensively with our chief developer!

2Souls reloaded  


For almost 2 years we`ve neglected 2Soulscycles and this website almost completely, due to the work of organising EHBE.
From now on, we will change this again :)

El Jefe is nearly busting of ideas, and a whole list of new products is ready and waiting to be launched. We will let you know more about this in the next posts.

We`re also working on a new website with some more possibilities, bicycle configuration etc. This is a first impression -

because it will still take a little time ;)

Only this much up front: our growing distrust of the press/media combined with our happiness about the regular, often extensive and detailled feedback we get from many 2Souls riders, has led to the menu item riders`logs in place of the common press, and we invite you to share your experience with our bicycles (and us ;7) there soon. cu!

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