custom setup

We offer custom set ups not only for customers with made to measure frames, but also with our serial frames. Feel free to discuss your special case and needs extensively with our chief developer!


In cooperation with the renowned highend-steel producerReynolds (853 tubing) we`re working amongst other custom tubes on a new MTB-seattube. Triggered by the new possibility of mounting the front dereilleur on a small braze on instead of the usual clamp, we wanted a tube that could directly take a 30.9mm seatpost. This way we can save not only the front dereilleur clamp, but also seattubeshims or similar solutions commonly used in steelframes.
Our new 29er will feature this new tube as the first frame, but this tube - contrary to our TT+DT - is nonexclusive and will be available for framebuilders soon.

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